How a website works and full stack development roadmap

 How a website or application works?

Hello everyone in this article we are discussing about how a website or mobile application works. But before that we are discussing about some important points...  Firstly we are discussing about applications. First of all what is an application? 

Application is a computer software package that performs a specific function directly for an end user or in some cases for another application and also it is a platform which provides a service or sale for a business. 

Generally there are three types of applications. They are 

  1. Desktop applications 

  2. Web applications 

  3. Mobile applications

Desktop applications:-

It is a software used to perform specific tasks. These applications are installed in client computers (local servers). The storage is required to install and add plugins or etc. to access or perform tasks using these applications. 

Some of the desktop applications are Google chrome, Internet Explorer, Adobe Photoshop etc. 

Web Applications:-

These are the software’s which are accessed using browsers. These servers are maintained somewhere else and are directly executed in client system. There is no external space required to access or use these applications. These are not installed in client systems. But these are accessed in client systems. Most of people now-a-days using these web applications. 

Some of web applications are YouTube,,, etc. 

Mobile applications:-

These are also software’s designed to run in small width devices like mobiles, tabs etc. These software’s are installed into client mobile phone and accessed by the user. 

Some of mobile applications are Instagram, Phonepe, telegram etc. 

In above applications the common things that we notice in any of these applications. The common points mainly in web applications are divided into three parts. They are 

  1. Front end

  2. Back end

  3. Database

This is the front part of an application which can see by the end user. Whatever we seen while opening an application that visualized part is called front end. The logic runs to execute the tasks or operations is the backend. It never seen by the end user. But helps to perform tasks. The values that stored in the after performing tasks will available in the Database. To create a complete application we need to follow these factors. To create different parts we need to use different technologies. These technologies we will discuss in next articles.  

In the above we are discussing about how an application can be classified. Now coming to our topic how an application works... 

There are mainly few steps involving the working of a website or an application.

There are 5 common points that involve in working of website.

They are 

  1. Client system and IP Address (Internet Protocol)

  2. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

  3. Domain and URL

  4. Web server

  5. Database 

Client System:-

The end user who uses our website or application by using a computer or mobile phone. That computer is called client system. Every client system has its unique address. Every person has his own identity and address. And also every computer has its own identity called Internet Protocol Address (IP). This is the address of a machine connected to internet is a unique 32-bit number. Organizations are assigned blocks of IPs, which they in turn assign to their machines that need internet access which now includes most computers. For example a small organization may assigned 256 IP addresses, such as to Very large organizations such as the Department of Defense, may be assigned 16 million IP addresses, which include IP addresses with one particular first 8-bit number, such as to 

Hypertext Transfer Protocol:-

All Web communications transactions use the same protocol the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It is formally defined as RFC 2616, which was approved in June 1999. RFC 2616 is available at the Website for the World Wide Web consortium (W3C), This section provides a brief introduction to HTTP. 

HTTP consists of two phases, the request and the response. Each HTTP communication between a browser and a Web server consist of two parts a header and a body. The header contains information about the communication; the body contains the data of the communication, if there is any. 

The general form of an HTTP request as follows:

  1. HTTP method (Domain part of the URL HTTP version)

  2. Header fields

  3. Blank line 

  4. Message body

HTTP Request methods.




Returns the contents of the specified document 


Returns the header information for the specified document. 


Executes the specified document, using the enclosed data


Replaces the specified document with the enclosed data


Deletes the specified document

The general form of an HTTP response is as follows:

  1. Status line 

  2. Response header fields. 

  3. Blank line 

  4. Response body

First digits of HTTP status codes 

First Digit









Client error


Server error

Domain Names and URL:-

Because people have difficulty dealing with and remembering numbers, machines on the Internet also have textual names. These names begin with the name of the host machine, followed by progressively larger enclosing collections of machines called domains. There may be two, three or more domain names. The first domain name, which will appears immediately to the right of the hostname, is the domain of which the host is a part. The second domain name gives the domain of which the first domain is a part. The last domain name identifies the type of organization in which the host resides, which is the largest domain in the site’s name. For organizations .org is the extension for organizations, .in represents the application belongs to India, represents the government websites etc. And the URL will be the address for the particular pages of the web application or site. 

Detail description of the URL, Web servers, and database will be available in next articles. 

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