Introduction to HTML

 Introduction to HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the markup language used in developing web pages. In similar way, the Hyper Text Markup Language highlights different views of a given webpage in terms of headers, titles, plain text, images, sounds etc. 

HTML creates a web page with the help of inbuilt tags. A tag is a format name surrounded by angle brackets (< >) A tag is nothing but a keyword which gives the instruction to the browser, whether its belongs to a heading or paragraph etc., Where there is opening tag and we should finish with closing tags. closing tag contain forward slash(/) before tag name(ex. <h1> </h1> ). And content is in-between the both tags.

All white spaces, and tabs, newlines are ignored by the browser. multiple white spaces are replaced by a single space while newlines and tabs are treated as space.


All HTML documents follow the same basic structure. They have a head which contains control information used by the browser and server. The body contains the content that displays on the screen and tags which control how that content is formatted by the browser. basic document structure is 


<!DOCTYPE html> 



<title> Title of the Document  </title> 



<h1> Large heading </h1> 

<p> paragraph of the webpage </p>



image related to html
This is the basic HTML structure and its output 

HTML is not a case sensitive language. It means tags either in uppercase or lowercase the output will same. I will give a small example and output screenshot will display below the code.


<!DOCTYPE html> 



<title> Title of the Document  </TITLE> 



<H1> Large heading <h1> 



image related to html introduction
title, headings differences 

Here we need a deep explanation about the format of the code. 

<!DOCTYPE html> 

this denotes the document belongs to html5. All tags in the document will verified by browser and display output of document. 

<html></html>  The entire document is surrounded by these tags. which tell the software that is now processing HTML. Most web browser can display a number of types of content. At the very least they are able to display plain text and HTML. If the page was not enclosed in html tags the page might be displayed as plain text with both content and formatting information on display. web browser are very tolerant pieces of software, if you omitted these the browser would start to read the file and when it came across something like HTML tags it would switch in to HTML mode. 

<head> … </head> & <body>… </body> tags are compulsory in HTML document that you write because of their central role in structuring the page.. If the browser is a human head tag is the head of the human and it contains all the data which is readable and used for browser and SEO part. body is the part which can see by visitor and browser like tags, and data displayed on browser (ex. see on the picture) in next sessions I will explained a brief about head and body tags. 

<title> .. </title> tag is used to add title to the browser.. 

We have three types of tags available in html.. 

Further articles we will discuss about those tags and some important tags regularly used in html and their properties 

Thank you for visiting our blog .. 

If you have any doubts in HTML and CSS and JavaScript.. or any suggestions Let me know in the Comment Section.. 


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